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그리고 오늘.

How to be a fabulous Feminist

Fight sexim. Do it now.
Say YES to female, to justice, to freedom.
Love yourself.
Love other women.
Say NO!
Get angry. Get active.
Don't agonize - Organize.
Fight racism, classism, agism, homo-phobicizism and ablism, lower pay and isolation, race-consciousness.
Raise self-esteem.
Think globally, act locally.
Avoid burn out.
Be woman identified.
Creat safety.
Take risks.

Take your power back. Do it now.
Live equally.
Thank yourself.
Celerbrate women survivors.
Invent new history.
Shatter myth.
Pioneer trailblaze.
Discover she-her-we-I-woman.
Love your body.
Decorate yourself anyway you like.
Have happy sex.
Visualize legal and accessible.
Help a mother today.
Make every child, a funded child.

Praise revel, spinsters. Do it now.
Be a woman's movement, vote, march, girlcott, lobby, write letters, elect progressive women.
Win the era.
Stop the violence against women.
Demand economic justice for all.
Say YES to more money.
Fun-raise, raise hell. Do it now.
Cherish your mother earth.
Be anti-war.
Liberate opporation.
Think humanarchy.
Make peace with men.
Be a mover and a shaker.
Support bad girls.
Join a feminist political organization.
Give love.
Give money.
Get powerful.
Get respect.
Heal yourself.
Heal the world.
Collect fabulous memories.

Do it to WIN !!!

'그리고 오늘.' 카테고리의 다른 글

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